Sunday, March 17, 2024

So much going on, in a good way

Okay, sooo tomorrow is my first day of filming, ahhh! I'm so excited yet so nervous. I plan to also film on Wednesday as well, since I want to have plenty of footage. Me and my friend Sophia who's also in my class will both be meeting up to help each other film along with another mutual friend of ours. So I have planned all my costuming and mise-en-scene so that the filming goes as smooth as it can go. 

So let's get into costumes! I previously made a blog post about costume design research where I learned from this article that you must consider the characters location and colors. Which I for sure did when coming up with these outfits. 

Here are Georgia's outfits- 

Here is her outfit when hanging out with Ivy

Here is her outfit at home

And here are accessories for when she's out with Ivy 

These outfits look simple, but a lot of thought was put into them. Georgia's outfit reflects on her character a lot, the flared jeans symbolize her trying to fit in, according to this article, flared jeans are back since they are easy to pair with tops and shoes and are comfortable. Many teenagers wear flared everything now. However, the shirt contrasts these jeans. I actually chose one of my mom's shirts, that she gave me permission to use, since it's not very trendy. Just Georgia's costume shows us she really tries to fit in and be perfect, however, but it doesn't work out for her. Also, the outfit is blue of course, as I had always planned. The accessories are simple because Georgia doesn't want to stand out, she tries her best to be the perfect girl in every way. The bow again represent Georgia attempting to fit in, according to this article, social media has really popularized bows as of recently. 

Georgia's at home outfit is very comfy and has of course a lot of blue aspects. Again, the pajama pants are originally my moms (I got permission from her to use them) and the sweatshirt is mine, which again shows Georgia trying to fit in but it not really working. I feel like Georgia's outfits are casual and comfortable but you can tell she is still trying, especially the one she wears when hanging out with Ivy. Speaking about Ivy, my friend currently has the outfit she will wear, it's a gray sweater and jeans, very normal, which is what Ivy is like, she really fits in. 

Lastly, I added a few mise-en-scene elements! Here they are- 

Bed sheets for Georgia's bed

Some items that will go on Georgia's night table and desk

Of course, keeping the theme consistent, everything here has a blue. Some items have hints of green but that's on purpose since the piece is realistic and in real life it's very likely not everything would be completely blue. The bedsheets shown are from Target, I got them a while ago but i thought they fit perfectly with the aesthetic of the opening, and of course, the theme of blue.The other items include the note book Georgia will write in, a few blue pens and Sharpies, a candle, some tissues (since I feel like most people have them on their night stand and also since she's very emotional), and a frame of a butterfly my older sister gifted my family. According to this article, butterflies represent transformation/change, which really fits Georgia, since she is clearly going through some hard changes in her friendship with Ivy and internally. 

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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!