Friday, March 15, 2024

CCR lesson

Recently, we learned about another part of our portfolio project, the creative critical reflection.  The purpose of this part of the project is to reflect on the planning, production, and final product of our portfolio project. I think this aspect of the project is really important, I can learn what I can improve on and what I did well for next time. I think reflecting on this large project is really important.

This section of an article I found describes why reflection is beneficial-

Reflection will allow me to improve my skills in the future, which is really important to me since I always want to grow my skills.

We have to make a minimum of two products for the creative critical reflection, I have already started brainstorming a little, but I'm not 100% sure what I will do, I think i'll do a different blog post on my brainstorming for my CCR!

We must answer these four questions in our CCR- 

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
The teacher provided these questions to us on canvas and also imbedded them on a power point to really break them down and guide us toward how to answer them appropriately and fully. This was so helpful, I think if we hadn't gone over them I would've been to overwhelmed, our teacher has been so helpful throughout this entire portfolio project, she pushes us toward the right direction but we still do the work, which is really great. 

Some tips we received from our teacher was to create a script, be creative with the way we present our information, and incorporate research. I was planning on making a script from the start because I think if I didn't, things wouldn't go very smooth. I also am trying to think of a creative way to approach my CCR. I want to brainstorm for a bit so I find the closest to perfect products to create. Research is something I've been doing throughout this project and I think it's really helped me succeed. I can use some sites I have already cited on my blog because a lot of them are related to these four questions. However, I think I will do some extra research if i need it!

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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!