Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Script research!

Script writing is something I adore, I love writing in general so I've been excited for this part of this project. Today in class we learned more about the formatting of scripts, which I found to be super helpful. I wanted to do some research outside of class as well to dive further into script examples written for the genre I have chosen, that being drama. I found this amazing website where you can view full scripts from movies, I found this to be a great reference for formatting my script, all the scripts on the website are also from drama films which is perfect! There's also a full script for Dead Poets Society on the website which is an awesome reference to have since that is one of the films I referenced when I was doing my film opening research. 

I wanted to find some advice from professional screenwriters, so I found this amazing interview:

Quentin Tarantino gave some advice in this video that stuck with me, that being that he found his dialogue and character voices. According to this article a character voice is how a character expresses themselves, this doesn't only have to be shown through their words but also their actions and personality. I want my piece to be as realistic as possible, so I want to make sure I don't add an excessive amount of dialogue since people don't always say what they're thinking, but rather show it. Having a character voice not only through words is so important and can elevate a film so much, so creating a character voice is something I will focus greatly on!

I thought it would be very very helpful to compare a script to a film side by side, so I searched for an example and found this cool comparison: 

This scene is from La La Land that shows that some lines were changed a bit when they were said out loud, I think this is a good thing because it makes the scene look very authentic, it doesn't feel forced, so I think once I do film my opening some aspects of the script may change a bit, but that's okay. Obviously the whole premise shouldn't change, but a word here or there changing is natural in my point of view. In this script you can also see that much of the dialogue is very short and simple, but the way both of the characters react to each other and the tone in which they speak really shows the frustration they were going through in the moment, this is a great demonstration of how character voice can be incorporated not only through dialogue but also through tone and actions.


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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy! https://youtu.be/ddxkeEc9vCg?si=y3H_fJ-qOmY4-Jnl