Saturday, February 17, 2024

Film openings!

Film openings can say so much about a story just in a few minutes. One of the film openings under the drama category that I absolutely adore is the Little Miss Sunshine one. The opening shot of the little girl's glasses just staring at the TV tells us that she is passionate about what she's watching without even seeing her full face or her saying a word. I would love to incorporate a similar technique into my project. I want a lot of tight and close shots to show certain feelings the main character is going through without dialogue. When dialogue is used it has meaning, which is important for a drama. I also like how much movement there is in this opening. Many zoom ins are use as well as low angles which I think added a lot of meaning to the actual scenes. I find this inspiring and want to use different techniques i've learned in class and incorporate them to add movement, representing how chaotic my characters life is. 

Dead Poets Society is another film opening that I find so inspiring and moving. The silence in the beginning is something i have always wanted to incorporate into my film opening, and i love that they did it here. I feel like it adds some sort of uncertainty as to why it is so quiet, it creates a tone. Since I plan to make my film opening sort of sad and melancholy, i think this is an important technique so that my opening's audience can have some sort of suspense as to whats going on, which will likely interest them. 

   The way the credits are imbedded into this opening is another aspect that really inspires me. I think the font matches the overall aesthetic of the opening, and it is white, which is the color I think is best to use for my opening since it doesn't wash out with other colors. I also like that the credits never covering anything important. The credits are always put to the side of a characters face, at the bottom of the screen, or in the middle if it's a shot just showing ambiance. That's important because the audience will be able to see everything even while the credits are set on the screen. That is something that i hadn't considered before but that I would definitely need to be aware of. It is something I have to consider once I start filming.

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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!