Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Filming - day two

 AH! I'm done with filming! I cannot believe it. Yesterday was very long day of setting up and filming, but it was for sure worth it. I started setting up very early, around 5:30 pm, and the sun usually goes down around 7:15 to 7:30. Wow, I'm so grateful I did that because setting up Georgia's room took a while! I had to remove all the posters I had on my wall, which are a ton, and remove everything from my night table, and change my bedsheets, you name it, I did it! I also had to set up my camera and make sure things like the lighting was good. This was a challenge since during blue hour it's typically pretty dark outside, so I used my desk lamp which honestly worked very well!

Here's me setting up the shot of Georgia's room before blue
hour, also, here's how the room ended up looking!

Anyway, once the sun was not visible anymore, I began to film! Yay! Filming was so smooth because of my storyboard, I knew exactly what I needed. I also tried other shots I had not planned out to see how they would look, and I think they look awesome honestly, so as I predicted in my storyboard blog post, things did change, but for the better. 

Here's a shot from today

I love how Georgia's room turned out. Also, as you can see, I removed and added props. I removed the tissue box I was going to put because it popped too much on screen, it has a lot of green. I also added books, blue ones of course. I though the books fit Georgia, she overthinks so I feel like sometimes she would just want to pick up a book and forget about reality. 

Another thing you can see here is that I'm editing! I started yesterday, I love editing, it's very satisfying to me, so I'm having fun doing it to be honest. This article discusses how editing is time-consuming, but you really don't notice the time passing by while you're doing it. That's so relatable, for me, I get so focused I forget about everything else (not literally but you know what I mean). I'm editing on imovie just because I know how to use the app very well, I've used it for years to make random projects (not for school, just for fun). I thought it'd be a wise decision to use a program I know very well so things go as smooth as they can. 

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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!