Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Semester One Reflection

 So far in this course, I have learned about many different techniques used in film. Some of these include shots and editing. I not only learned about the different types of shots such as close ups and establishing shots, but I also learned why they are used and what they convey. Editing techniques such as shot/reverse shot and eyeline match were taught, these were beneficial for me to comprehend the different ways editing is used and why they are used. Other important film techniques such as sound, angles, composition, and mise-en-scene were also taught. All the techniques combined helped me understand how to analyze films properly, they helped me understand the overall message behind films and allowed me to macro-analyze.  

I would like to have more concise writing when it comes to my writing in the essays written in the course. I have so many points to make, so I ramble because I have a hard time choosing what I should and should not bring up. I think my writing would be more sophisticated and understandable if I learn how to pick the most important points to bring up. This class has helped me understand how to analyze properly, so I feel like the next step I need to learn is how to pick out the important topics in my essay.  

Our last film pitch project was about a sci-fi film. I feel like my project partners and I executed the plot outline and mood boards well, it helped the idea of the film be understood. The thumbnails we made could have been better, they were too simple and not very cohesive. This project taught me that mood boards can really help a project be developed properly because you can visualize how things would look. It also taught me that a lot of planning happens just to pitch a movie, planning is important. 





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Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!