Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Fonts are a big part of our project this year, since we have to do marketing and also use it in our short film, so knew we needed to do some planning as to what fonts we will use and which one will be the most fitting to our short film. 

We did some font looking on a website named, I've known about this website for a long time, it's awesome and has so many different options for fonts. It really has anything I can imagine. We spent a while looking for fonts we think could fit, here's some we found:

Font 1

Font 2

Font 3

Font 4

Font 5

Font 6

Font 7

Okay so here are all the fonts from It's a lot, I know, oops! However, all these fonts are good contenders. As you can see, some of the fonts are reminiscent of school fonts, like fonts 1 and 2. The reason we thought to use these was because our characters are in high school and it's very clear in the story, so it would make sense. We also have some more funky ones like fonts 3, 4, and 5. Our characters are very silly and "quirky" (I know that word is not the most loved but it just makes sense lol), so the funkiness of the fonts match up with our characters. Overall, my top two contenders are font 1 and 4, they just make sense to me, but I don't know if we should go for a more funky or school approach of font.


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