Friday, March 7, 2025

Group meeting

Today we had a group meeting! This meeting helped me learn a lot about my project and all the things I can improve about it. Here's our group:

We begun by discussing my overall idea for my story, I explained my story by using my blog post named "Story rough draft". I got a few critiques especially about having a clearer beginning and end. I definitely have one, but I want to have it written down and more constructed. They suggested I do a plot diagram, like this one:

This may help me get my story more defined, I used to use these all the time in middle school, so even though it something simple, it will help me a lot. Corina and I also want a comic relief character thats a bit chaotic, and Zain (my class peer) offered to be in the film, so we finally found someone for that role, which is a big relief. Corina and I have to better establish our script and jokes, once we do that, we can begin filming!


Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Fonts are a big part of our project this year, since we have to do marketing and also use it in our short film, so knew we needed to do some planning as to what fonts we will use and which one will be the most fitting to our short film. 

We did some font looking on a website named, I've known about this website for a long time, it's awesome and has so many different options for fonts. It really has anything I can imagine. We spent a while looking for fonts we think could fit, here's some we found:

Font 1

Font 2

Font 3

Font 4

Font 5

Font 6

Font 7

Okay so here are all the fonts from It's a lot, I know, oops! However, all these fonts are good contenders. As you can see, some of the fonts are reminiscent of school fonts, like fonts 1 and 2. The reason we thought to use these was because our characters are in high school and it's very clear in the story, so it would make sense. We also have some more funky ones like fonts 3, 4, and 5. Our characters are very silly and "quirky" (I know that word is not the most loved but it just makes sense lol), so the funkiness of the fonts match up with our characters. Overall, my top two contenders are font 1 and 4, they just make sense to me, but I don't know if we should go for a more funky or school approach of font.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Storyboarding yay

 Hey! So it's about time to start planning for this project and a big aspect of planning is storyboarding, last year I spoke about how much planning helped me. Storyboarding was one of the things that helped me a lot. Figuring out all the different scenes beforehand made filming go by very smoothly. 

Since I haven't storyboarded in a bit, I wanted to do some research before just straight up diving in again. I found this website which speaks about how a storyboard must be logical, which is something I really have to prioritize when making my storyboard. Especially considering the fact that it helps filming go by smoothly, so if it's far too complicated, I might get confused while filming. 

I also found this website which spoke about how short and simple captions under storyboards are beneficial, this reminded me of the captions I used to write, so this website was a nice reminder. These captions helped me a lot last year as well because they reminded me what each scene was in case my drawing was not the clearest (I'm not the best drawer, I wish though hahaha).

Group meeting

Today we had a group meeting! This meeting helped me learn a lot about my project and all the things I can improve about it. Here's our ...