Friday, September 22, 2023

Camera shots/angles quiz reflection

 The objective of the shots and angles quiz was to choose one or two inanimate object to make a visual story with. We had to use the angles and shots we had learned about in class to convey this story. We had to use fifteen shots for this quiz. There was certain shots and angles that we were required to use such as a long shot, an establishing shot, a high angle, etc.

My project partner and I decided to approach this assignment by using backpacks. They were simple to convey a story with. They were also big enough to be seen from far away, which was necessary because we wanted them to be seen in the establishing shot. We created a simple and romantic story line between the backpacks by taking photos with our phones. We illustrated the romantic feelings between the non-living objects by using certain shots such as medium shots. In the beginning, the backpacks hold a respective and friendly distance between them, this could be shown with the medium shots. However, as time went on, the backpack's distance became more intimate, showing that they were getting comfortable with each other, also shown with a medium shot. We then used an extreme close up to show the first kiss between the characters, establishing that they like each other romantically. We also used filters throughout the story to help translate the tone of each scene.

In my opinion, we had a good approach to how we used the shots. We made sure that the shot matched its scene and held a purpose. For example, used close ups to show intimate moments. The use of filters also helped to further convey the tone of the story.  We could've done some things to further improve the project like use a wider variety of angles. Having a dutch angle could have been an interesting use for the scene where they meet. 

Here is my project.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Introductory post

 Hi! My name is Corina and I am creating this blog in other to document my learning progress in my AICE media studies class. 

Film Opening

Here's my film opening, Blue Hour, hope you enjoy!